I just felt like writing something, I don't know why. Maybe in hopes someone actually reads this stuff (although I kinda hope they don't..), I'd get a real site and that costs money, and since I don't have a job (and to young to have a paypal/credit card to pay online for it) I'm kinda stuck here. Boo-Hoo. Oh Well, It's not that bad, I just want publicity. I've always wanted to be popular and known for something, even if it's just by site-goers like Matt from X-Entertainment or the other Matt from Brawl in the Family. Just realized there both Matt's, go figure. Guess Matt is a name for success and bound to have a sub-community (Look at anything created by a Matt, and it's bound to have a subculture or something, I call it "The Matt Paradox", I also just invented it, and don't know if paradox is a good word to describe it. But it sticks.) I just managed to waste most of this paragraph trying to talk about Matts. Odd. But proves my point I just wanna write and really have no point to.
I've got plenty of stuff to do. I could draw, go outside, swim, read, do homework I have due tomorrow, play my 300+ collection of video games (Lucky aren't I?), and etc. Instead I sit here writing, questioning whether I should review Scooby-Doo and the Martians or talk about Rusty and the Big Guy. I posted the lyrics to "Beard Going Nowhere " on my Facebook the other night. I just got the name Rush Limbaugh stuck in my head after using the google bar to find out the title of Rusty and the Big Guy (could have sworn it had Boy Robot in the title..), and currently listening to Weird Al. I need a camera, to take like, Pictures (Gurgle Gurgle? Weird Al you are an odd man..) and stuff. If you couldn't tell I'm just typing what comes to mind, at least what I'm willing have associated with my name forever (Thought I post it? Um..This was going to coincide with the Weird Al song, but I forgot the lyrics and now some creepy song plays into my headphones. It's lyricless and japanese. I thought it was Pokemon, no it's Metroid.). I really need to talk about something coherent don't I? Maybe people will just like this blog for it's insanity (Mary Anne- La La La). I like how I just put mid-thoughts in Parentheses.
Hey, You know the song "Vacation" by Vitamin C? The one from Pikachu's vacation in the beginning of the Pokemon The First Movie? The opening, old timey music always reminded my off these commercials for some Hotel when I was a little kid, I thought it was on a Pokemon Video Tape, but I doubt it. I just remember the camera fadey-ness was similiar to the Pokemon Commercial for Hey You Pikachu with the talking dog. Anyway I think the commercial or commercials had Josh Peck in them, or some other chubby black-haired kid. (I was going to post more lyrics but they went by to fast..)
Welcome to Lazy Town! (I'm listening to it's opening theme, Wow a point to this text..) I used to watch that show in Summer, even though I was way to old for it, It was for like 5 year olds and I was like 11, but everyone can agree it had so awesome music. Now I'm listening to "Sonic What Happened To You?", I think it's called that.. The dude is complaining about how Sonic is no longer fun, but some of his points are moot. The series isn't as popular, or good in alot of cases, now adays, but it's still relevent, and Ok, and it's getting better. Sonic Generations seems like a cool idea if done right, actually that's Sega's main problem. They don't do things RIGHT, I mean, sure some ideas seem stupid, but with the right stuff it could be pulled off. Same goes for the characters. Shadow, everyone love or hates him. He's just not pulled off right in the games, and just seems like an Emo freak, atleast after Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and Whatever.. (Wait was that the whole title?). He could have been a loner still, actually most characters like that in games are taken well, unless it's like all Japanese-y like Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy, like Cloud and Axel are awesome, while a lot of people think Bass, from Mega Man, is stupid and lame, luckily not as bad as Shadow, people still see potential in Bass, and I still see it in Shadow. Wow, this blog went from Random into an actual topic of discussion, and I no longer feel like writing so this worked. Yeah :D. Well I'll see you guys later!
~DarkLugiaMaster-Gir Signing Off :D!