Saturday, April 23, 2011

He-Man Toys

See? Not Very Consistent.
I don't even remember if I got off of school that name, Heh.
I was going to post this awesome Photoshopped He-Man figure I was working, but I gave up because I couldn't make the lower half look right. It was going to be a Venom He-Man-ized. A lot of Hyphens. So Instead I'm going to write about He-Man figures I would buy if I had money while watching Arthur: It's Only Rock and Roll.

Now I've never really gotten into He-Man, but I've gotta admit the toys have me interested, even if I never watch the show I'd still buy the toys. Then make them battle against my Ninja Turtles.


If I remember, this is the first actual figure I saw, minus the McDonalds figures for the 2000 series, and Robot Chicken. I probably saw him on That New Toy Smell. I just love this guy, such a simple variation, but he looks so awesome. Plus he's blue and orange, what's not to like? I also just noticed the purple. Even Better. Faker is secretly a robot built by Skelator to fool people into thinking He-Man was evil, and despite how much I love the color scheme it's just to drastic to do the job, but in typical 80's cartoon fashion, they all fell for it. How do I know that? I doubt the review told me that, Faker where did I learn about you? That's also the most I know about He-Man, so I doubt this blog is going to be Fact-Filled. Any Faker is an awesome looking figure.

King Hiss

King Hiss, King of the Snake Men. While looking through the He-Man toys, I noticed a lot of Snake Based characters, is there a particular reason? Or just coincidence? It's not like they even use the same base, all completely different. What I know of this guy is that he's King of the Snake Men. He looks cool by himself, a Royal Snake. But they go the extra limit to make him cooler/creepier. You can remove his upper torso and he turns into a snake man.

See? Not exactly my thing, but it's cool. Also, why does he have two tails? Or 4 if that's what the armpit knobs are. I really like the scepter and shield his human form holds, that's what really make him look royal.

Another one I saw on That New Toy Smell. At first glance, I really expected this guy to be a villain, but apparently he's a hero, Go Figure. This guy's gimmick is that he can twist, aka the name Sy-Clone (which really bugs me, every time I see it I think it should by Cy-Clone). In the recent Master of the Universe Classic series, he comes with a giant ring and his radar actually works (In a sense), although he lacks his ability to spin. I really thought this guy's radar worked too, but apparently it's just a sticker. Bummer, since that would have made him way cooler. If I ever get that good at customs, I might make it work. Still, this is a nice figure. I also just realized the pun in the second sentence of this paragraph.

Trap Jaw

This guy is a cyborg, back in the medieval days of He-Man! Wait, Did He-Man take place in medieval times? They had lasers and stuff, I mean this guy comes with one. Trap Jaw comes with three weapons you can put in his mecha-arm, a claw, a laser gun, and a hook. They all look kinda silly in there. The base is really cool though, with it's funky coloring. The giant belt is just a plus. I've seen screen shots of this guy from the show, and he looked kinda stupid, but through the power of Google, I've found fanart and they make him look totally rad. I like that this guy's namesake doesn't effect his toy what so ever, I mean even Sy-Clone can spin. I just realized, is Sy-Clone a robot?


This guy has 3 eyes that let him see in any of 3 directions, one blue, one red, and one evil (More Puns, both in text and the name of the figures!). He also has the power punch ability. This guy looks kinda neat, but he's going to need that awesome green sword for me to own him. A lot of these guys get less cool without a weopon. I would go out on a limb and say this is a bag guy, but he originally came with a Warrior's Grayskull Ring, so what does that mean? You know, I'd be weird to see in 3 directions, I can't even really imagine it, how do you know which way is looking foreward? Especially when yous eyes can spin around your head!


It's Orko! He-Man sidekick, I think. With this guy you put a ripcord into his back, and yank it out and he runs around. Kinda Cool. I remember the only McDonald's He-Man toy I got was Orko, and his idea was kinda similar. You wind him up and he tries to walk around. He toppled over most of the time, but still a cool toy. I actually thought he was He-Man's nemesis at the time, or Orko look at all the power I gave you. I like this guy's blue skin and faceless-ness. Also his ears. Not much more to say about Orko than, he's Orko, and if I ever get him he's gonna get the respect he deserves during Play Time.


Another Cyborg! Man, Etheria is one futuristic place! If you couldn't tell by this guy's name, his ability involves his neck. "The Human Periscope". His neck will extend when you twist his waist, making him twice as tall. Probably gives his team the advantage in Basketball. He also carries around a giant yellow club, that sounds like a fish. So I guess he plays Baseball instead, heh. This guy's chest kinda look's like Optimus Prime and his face kinda reminds me of a Duck, I wanna say a Duck named Howard. His original name was going to be Spy Man, but that's a lot less fun to say then Mekaneck. Just go and say it outloud! Fun, No? Oh Mekaneck, you'll be mine soon enough.


It's a giant Sea Monkey! Just had to include this guy because he's kinda cute, in a creepy sort of way. He's apparently an ocean War Lord, and if someone as wimpy as this guy can be a warlord, then that's not a very strong species. Oh, Don't be sad Mer-Man, I only mock because I love. His armor looks nice, very fishy, and his sword looks like a corncob, which is awesome. Can you imagine dying by a corncob shaped sword? Would you have any regrets?
This guy is just so cute, and I want one to cuddle with. I just wish he looked happier, he looks really freaked out.


Skelator, the big baddy. He's a really cool looking guy, and from I know about the show, he's supposed to be a really funny guy, not Shredder funny, but still. He looks happy here, which is nice. I like his coloring, although his head's kinda wonky, but eh, still nice. Something is just cool about Skelator, he's just alluring. I also really like his armor, scepter, and sword, they look especially nice, and I already talked about He-Man toys are a lot cooler with their weapons, most figures are. I just know I would have a fun time making him send out his minions to fight the good guys.

Prince Adam

Prince Adam, a manly man. Wearing purple pants and using a pink sword..He does a good job hiding his Alter Ego. I'm just joshing, Prince Adam looks awesome! I really like his outfit, fits him well. And the sword looks nice too. This guy is just variation of He-Man in a new outfit, but it's still welcome, and as I said it looks nice. You can tell I'm running out of things to say, Can't You? Just remember don't mess around with him, or he'll turn into He-Man and he'll hunt you down. It'll be fun to make Prince Adam fight Skelator, or even team up with the turtles and fight Shredder and Krang!

I'm going to end it here. These aren't neccasarilly my top figures or anything, just some figures I really wanna get. Plus it's only the main figures, not couting the animals, playsets, vehichles, etc. Now, I'm not normally one for He-Man, but he does have some awesome toys. Well I'm off.

Have a Happy Easter!